I used to run a summer camp program, and at the end of each week we would go through all the cabins and round up all the things the kids left behind, the lost and found. There were lots of towels, socks (Always one sock. I guess the other one was lost in the dryer), pillows, the usual. There were also weird, random things that kids would leave behind, like rolls of masking tape or a bag of feathers (Don’t ask, no idea). Most of that stuff would end up in the trash or Goodwill, but every once in a while a parent or youth leader would call and ask, “Did you find...” and we would have it. Usually they would be super happy and grateful that it had been found. We’d get it mailed to them and the world was a little better. Jesus says that is a tiny microcosm of how God feels when spiritually lost people are found. Jesus told three stories in Luke 15 to help us understand what a big deal it is.
Luke 15:1-32 (Page 627 in our house bibles)
What do each of these stories (sheep, coin, son) have in common?
How does Jesus say heaven feels when a spiritually lost people turns to God?
Have you ever thought about the fact that if you are a Christian, there was a moment that heaven celebrated you? What does that mean to you?
Pray for the lost sheep/coins/sons in your life. Ask God to keep seeking them and to send people into their lives to help them find their way back to God.