Become a 6S-ful follower of Jesus
Baseline: Attend more Sundays than you miss this year (27+)
Goal Line: Prioritize Sundays, missing only when unavoidable
Find out more about Sundays at Journey Church here
Are Sundays important? Check out this article
Baseline: Attend a group
Goal Line: Participate in a group (engage)
Find out about groups at Journey
Baseline: Commit to a volunteer team at Journey or in the community
Goal Line: Increase level of volunteering or lead in a volunteer ministry.
If you want to volunteer at Journey Church, go here
Baseline: Reading the Bible at least four times per week
Goal Line: Reading the Bible daily
We have daily devotionals for our current series, Freedom Letters here
Add the Youversion app to your phone or tablet and choose from thousands of Bible reading plans
Baseline: Invite others to church
Goal Line: 3-5 intentional relationships for sharing in your life
Here’s a great four-minute video on the basics of sharing your faith
A really helpful article on how to share your story with non-Christians
Baseline: Giving regularly to support Journey Church or the local church you attend
Goal Line: Practicing the Biblical principles of tithing and generous giving
An article about common hurdles to generosity that Christians face
Another great article on the heart of giving and generosity
You can give to Journey Church online