Join us for services in-person or online

Sundays at 10 AM you can join us live here, on Facebook, or on YouTube.

If you are joining us online, here are a few quick tips to get the most out of online church:

  1. Be Fully Present. You’ll face a lot of digital distractions while service is going on. Choose to stay committed and engaged. (don’t worry, all those notifications will still be there when service is over)

  2. Like, Share, & Comment. One of the great benefits of online church is that we can have more interaction. So ask questions and smash those reaction buttons. Share the service on your social feeds, and invite your friend to watch with you.

  3. Worship, Don’t Just Watch. You can’t feed your body by watching other people eat, and you can’t feed your soul by watching others worship. So make this a spiritual time, sing, pray, and read the Bible along with us. Most importantly, listen for God’s voice and respond in faith to what He says.

Pick where you want to watch the video:



Is there something we can pray for or do for you during this time?

Connect with us so we can be praying for you this week