ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 60


In today’s passage, Jesus tells a story that can be confusing. He talks about a guy who is getting fired. This guy is worried that when he loses his job he would become a beggar or have to do manual labor for the rest of his life. So he meets with his bosses customers and slashes their bills so they will like him and maybe offer him a job (sounds like a lobbyist to me). The wild part in the story is that his boss finds out what he did and actually PRAISES him for it. Not for ripping him off, but for acting shrewdly. Then Jesus says His followers need to act more shrewdly. What is Jesus wanting us to learn? I don’t think He’s recommending that you rip off your employer. In fact, money isn’t a big deal to God. Jesus goes on to say that is your are faithful with little things (like money) you will also be faithful in big things (like the kingdom of God). We should be shrewd and wise with material things so God can trust us with more important things.


Luke 16:1-18 (Page 628 in our house bibles)


  1. How do you think a Christian should handle money? Should our faith impact our view and use of money?

  2. What does it mean to you to be faithful in little things?

  3. How do you think we can keep from letting money become an idol in our lives?


Ask God for wisdom in handling all that He has entrusted you with. If you have specific issues with money and material things (greed, spending too much, debt, etc.) pray for wisdom and discipline to change those things.