SPECIAL EGG EVENT / Saturday, April 5th / 3:00-5:00 PM

Special Egg event is an Easter Egg hunt and carnival for children with special needs and their families. Children can participate in adaptive egg hunts, meet mascots, princesses, and superheroes, and participate in games and activities. If you would like to register a child, volunteer, or donate to Special Egg Event, go to SPECIALEGGEVENT.COM

This event is held in the Jacobson Center at the Iowa State Fairground.

DREAM KIDS EASTER EGG HUNT / Saturday, April 12th / @ 3pm

Dream Kids is a Sidewalk Sunday School program for at-risk kids and Journey leads the Dream Kids program at Deer Ridge Apartments. We will be hosting our annual Easter Egg Hunt for our Deer Ridge families as we get ready to kick-off our spring Dream Kids program. We will have 75+ kids participating and hundreds of eggs so we need several volunteers. If you would like to volunteer you can do so here. Thanks for helping us love our city!

GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE / FRIDAY, April 18th / 6:30 pm

Good Friday is the observance of Jesus’ sacrifice for us as he gave his life on the cross. Our Good Friday service is a time of worship, communion, and reflection on the death of Jesus as we anticipate celebrating his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Childcare for children birth-3rd grade is available. This service is held in the auditorium @ Journey.

EASTER SERVICES / Sunday, April 20th / 8:30 & 10:00 am

Easter is the most important event in the Christian Church. It is when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the eternal hope that we have in him. Easter services will be held at 8:30 & 10:00 am, with Journey Kids classes available during both services.

ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC / Sunday, June 8th / Raccoon River Park

Join us at the Coneflower Shelters at Raccoon River Park in West Des Moines for our outdoor service at church picnic! We will hold our morning worship service at the park at 10 am, followed by baptisms, then lunch and hanging out. There will be lots of great food, snow cones, swimming, games, and fun for everyone. The church will provide burgers and hot dogs, drinks, and tableware, and we ask each household to bring a side dish and a dessert to share. Please bring your own chairs if you don’t want to sit at the picnic tables. Can’t wait to see you on June 8th!