One of the most famous movie lines in the last 30 years is when Jack Nicholson, as Colonel Jessup, in A Few Good Men, bellows, “You want the truth, you can’t handle the truth!” And, truth be told, sometimes the truth is tough to handle. In today’s passage, Jesus tells His followers the truth. The truth that following Him will cost them something. The truth that persecution might be part of the program. But He tells them some other truths as well. The truth that they are valuable to God. That the Holy Spirit will guide them through those difficult moments. That people can only do so much damage, but God is the one they should really fear (reverence). Jesus didn’t mislead anyone. He let them know both the great cost and the greater reward of being His disciple.
Luke 12:1-12 (Page 625 in our house bibles)
What do you think Jesus was trying to warn His followers about in this passage?
What are the hopeful statements that you read in this passage?
What does it mean to you when Jesus says we should acknowledge Him publicly?
Ask God for wisdom, courage, and strength as you follow Jesus and acknowledge Him publicly.