Whitewashed tombstones. That’s a phrase Jesus used to describe the Jewish religious leaders, the Pharisees. He said they looked good on the outside but were rotten on the inside. When they told him they felt insulted, He agreed and then kept going. People often talk about the loving words of Jesus, but he had some pretty blunt things to say as well. And most of the time His words were aimed at the “good” people. People who knew how to put on a self-righteous appearance but were way different behind the scenes. They were so caught up in trying to keep all of their religious laws (and judging anyone who didn’t) that they missed the point of following God. Jesus was challenging them to focus on what was happening on the inside rather than faking it on the outside.
Luke 11:37-54 (Page 624 in our house bibles)
When you read Jesus’ harsh words toward the Pharisees what do you think of what He had to say?
Jesus wasn’t just ripping the Pharisees to rip them. What do you think he was trying to tell them?
Have you ever felt convicted by the Holy Spirit that who you were on the inside was not what you portrayed on the outside? How did that feel?
King David prayed, “Search me, O God, and know my heart. See if there is anything wicked in me.” Take a moment to pray that prayer and then listen to what God speaks to you.