The Set-Up:
Whenever I reflect on the word unity, I cannot help but liken it to a basic musical chord — something made up of three or more different notes that when played in unison create a harmony; a sound that could not be achieved singularly on their own. However, humanly speaking, to be united sometimes seems so utterly difficult to attain.
I heard it once said: "For where there are two or three gathered in His name there is conflict.” We see it today within our own churches. The threat of clashes and divisions among us is always present. It's important that we grasp the understanding that being united does not mean being alike or having the same opinion, but rather, submitting to God’s word and serving one another in love by following God’s perfect example of oneness with the Son.
In First Corinthians, Paul wrote to the church in Corinth in order to help them achieve unity. They were suffering from divisions, conflicts, and rivalries. In spite of the conflicts, Paul addresses them as people sanctified in Christ Jesus, and not only asks them, but pleads with them by the Authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony! He encouraged them, and still encourages us today, to be of one mind united in thought and purpose.
Each one of us fulfills a part of something greater, and together we achieve that perfect harmony. We are His Church purchased by His blood, for which He prayed to the Father so that through our testimony of love and unity the world might know Him. (Jn. 17:20-21).
Passage to Read:
Reflection Questions:
How do you react to conflicts in the Church? (1 Peter 3:8-9, 11, Phil. 2:5-11)
Why is the Church’s unity as a testimony so important to the world?
What can you do to promote unity? (2 Corinthians 13:11, Philippians 2:2)
Why is being united as a Church so powerful? (Acts 2:1-4, Psalm 133: 1-3)
Prayer Idea:
Ask God to reveal to you if there are any conflicts in your own heart that bring division between you and God, other believers, or your own family. Confess them to God and express gratitude for His forgiveness and restoration. Pray for that the united Church would be a witness of Christ to the world.
This devotional was written by Ximena Urra.