The Set-Up:
Be sure to read the text first. For those that have been Christians for a long time, it seems easy to clearly see what others are not doing right according to Scripture. In a similar fashion, over time, we can find ourselves skimming through the Scriptures while reading in order to check the box that we did them for the day.
Read through today's Scripture slowly and thoroughly — What is the message Paul is trying to encourage us in? What is the Holy Spirit trying to encourage you specifically about today?
Professional athletes do not fall into success but work hard for it. They are intentional! They have a time and place where they work to discipline themselves daily to achieve success. Likewise, if we want to live a life pleasing to God, then we must have a time and place to discipline ourselves for spiritual success!
What is your time? Where is your place? If you do not have a definitive time and place for daily spiritual discipline, then it will likely never happen!
Passage to Read:
Reflective Questions:
Do you have a special place where you meet with God regularly?
Do you have a time scheduled daily to meet with God?
What can you do differently in your devotional life that will help you discipline yourself spiritually, similar to what a professional athlete does to achieve success?
Prayer Idea: Take time to pray through what the Holy Spirit quickens your heart about in changes that would strengthen your daily devotional life. Pick a place, and mark a time on your calendar daily to meet with GOD! Make sure you write it down!
This devotional was written by Josh Grimes.