The old saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.” That’s what Kevin McCallister thought happened to him in Home Alone. After everyone in his family dumped on him, including eating all of his favorite cheese pizza, he had one wish, one hope, for Christmas: that his family would all just disappear. And that’s exactly what seemed to happen! At first, Kevin thought he had it made. He even got, “A lovely cheese pizza, just for me.” But eventually, he missed his family and found out it was not as great as he had hoped it would be.
Have you ever had that experience? When what you had hoped for, what you were sure would make things better, didn’t work out like you thought it would? We’ve all been there.
During this week of Advent, we are focusing on the theme of hope. In his letter to the church in Rome (Book of Romans in our New Testament), the Apostle Paul talks about a hope that does not disappoint us. This Christmas, may we put our hope in Christ and his process for our lives. If we do, we will not be disappointed.
What kind of hope does Paul say “will not lead to disappointment”? What do you think he means by that?
When you read the process of growth in verses 3-5, what sticks out the most to you?
How do you think trusting God, even during our problems and trials, can help us to experience hope?
“Jesus – thank you for the gift of salvation which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us. This Advent season, whatever highs and lows may come, I pray you would help me to trust your work in my life and let that be my hope. I know your hope will never disappoint me. Amen.”