Fra-Gee-Lay, It Must Be Italian


In the movie, A Christmas Story, Ralphie holds out hope that he will get a Red Rider BB gun for Christmas, despite all the adults in his life telling him he’ll shoot his eye out. But that’s not the only glimpse of hope we get in the movie.

Ralphie’s dad is filled with hope when he finds out that solving a crossword has earned him, “A major award!” When he received the telegram about his prize, he dances a jig and begins to imagine all of the things he may have won, even a bowling alley (“They won’t deliver the bowling alley, just the deed!”). Eventually, a large wooden crate is dumped into their front door and the possibilities seem endless. “There could be anything in there!” old man Parker exclaims.

As the crate is opened, the family (and those of us watching) are surprised to find out the crate contains a leg lamp. The main story moves on from there, but the hope remains – anything is possible at Christmas. That’s A Christmas story, but in THE Christmas story, the hope that people had been hanging onto for centuries comes to fruition in the form of a little baby laying in an animal trough.

Hope is what the Advent season is all about. The word Advent is from Latin and means, “coming.” It is waiting in expectation for the hope of the world. With all of the holiday activities, school programs, office parties, and family get-togethers, it can be easy to overlook the hope that Jesus brought into this world. This Advent season may we take the time to reflect on the hope that Jesus brings to us and to the world around us. May you rejoice in the hope of Christmas this year!


John 1


  • What is thing that you can’t wait for every Christmas season?

  • What has the hope of Jesus’ birth meant to you?

  • What is one practical way you can spread the hope of Christmas this year?


Jesus, I thank you for bringing hope into this world. I especially thank you for bringing hope into my life. In times of difficulty or pain, I am so glad I can turn to you for hope, because you are Immanuel, ‘God with us.’ I am not alone, and that gives me hope. Help me to keep that hope in mind during the challenging moments of this Advent season and help me to share that hope with those around me. In your name, amen.