Advent Devotional: Day 20

THE SET UP: I used to think that telling others about Jesus was some sort of task I had to complete. It felt like a reward system, like a holy punch card. “Tell 10 people about Jesus, get an answered prayer” or something like that. Because of how it was presented, I had no real interest. 

The last few years have been phenomenal in regards to my spiritual growth, largely because my understanding and love of Jesus have grown immensely. With that deeper understanding of Jesus’ love for me, my desire to help others experience that has grown, too. It’s not because I feel like it’s a task or a chore, but because I know the difference knowing Jesus has made in my life. I want those I love and care about to have that, too.

Today’s reading shares the account of four friends who wanted to bring their buddy to Jesus. Since this man was paralyzed, his friends carried him to where Jesus was. The house Jesus was teaching at was so full, that instead of trying to push through the crowd, the men busted a hole in the roof and lowered their friend in. Jesus saw their faith and healed the man on the spot. Because of his friends’ faith, this man was able to walk out of the house that he had been carried into.

What impacts me about this account is that the man’s friends met him where he was and tenderly carried him to Jesus. It wasn’t about them; it was about doing whatever was necessary to get their friend to experience true healing. Isn’t that what introducing people to Jesus is all about?

This past year, I’ve had the wonderful experience of watching one of my best friends get to know Jesus. I didn’t do anything special. I didn’t sit down with her and talk through a list of prepared Bible verses. I didn’t pursue a friendship with her to prove to her why Christianity was right or to earn brownie points with God. I just loved her and wanted her to experience Jesus’ love, just like I have. The more we got to know each other, and the more I grew to respect and love her, the more I wanted her to know Jesus and everything He has to offer.

Just like the four men from today’s reading met their friend where he was and brought him to Jesus, that’s what I tried to do. I met my friend where she was, and then supported her and loved her in the best ways I knew how hoping she would see a reflection of God’s love through my actions. 

Isn’t that exactly what Jesus did for us? He left His heavenly throne to come into our world as a human baby. He loved us so much that He met us where we were at. He lived alongside us to show us God’s love personified. 

May this Christmas season encourage you to reflect on the love God has for us and His desire to meet you right where you are. May that love motivate you to show the same love to those around you so that they might also experience the love of the King who was willing to leave His throne on our behalf.



  • Who has encouraged you to know Jesus better? What about them stuck out to you?

  • Is there someone who you’d like to introduce to Jesus? 

  • How can you be a reflection of God’s love during this holiday season? 

PRAYER IDEA: “God, You love us more than I could ever comprehend. Thank You for coming to earth as a man so You could meet us right where we are. May I never lose the wonder of the love that made that possible. Show me how I can love better so I can be a reflection of Your love to those around me. Amen.”