Advent Devotional: Day 19

THE SET UP: In the Christmas movie, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, starring Jim Carrey, after the Grinch has a change of heart, he tells one of the “Who-villains” to, “Cheer up, it’s Christmas. Most of the time, we don’t have to be told to have joy and enjoy Christmas. The celebration of Jesus’ birth and the “peace on earth, goodwill toward all men,” lead to joy.

In the Old Testament, two books, Ezra and Nehemiah, chronicle the Jews returning to Israel after 70 years of captivity. Upon their return, two priorities for them were rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem and rebuilding the temple. After they completed the rebuilding of the walls, they gathered together to celebrate their accomplishment and to listen to Ezra read them the law of Moses and remind them they were God’s people. Often when that happened, it caused people to grieve because they knew how far short they fell in keeping God’s law. But Nehemiah reminded them of something important that day. He told them not to weep or mourn, because, “the joy of the Lord is your strength!”

There is great joy in Christmas and the Advent season because rather than reminding us how we fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23), we celebrate Jesus’ birth that makes us possible to be reconciled completely to God (Romans 6:23). Jesus’ birth means that we can be forgiven. That the gap between our best and God’s holiness has been bridged. And that joy can be our strength. Every year, we come to the Christmas season in many different places. Some of us are “living the dream” while others of us are just hanging on. But if your faith is in Christ, the joy of the Lord, and everything his birth means, can be your strength. Rest in that this Christmas. Be strengthened and encouraged. And have a MERRY Christmas!

PASSAGES TO READ: Nehemiah 8:9-12


  • Has there ever been a time when you were struggling, but someone else’s joy helped you through?

  • What do you think, “the joy of the Lord is your strength” means?

  • What are three things that you can be joyful for or enjoy this Christmas?

PRAYER IDEA: “Lord, thank you for the gift of joy. Help me to find joy in you this Christmas season and to enjoy the life that you have given to me. And help me to spread joy to others during the holiday season and the new year. In your name, amen.”