THE SET UP: Advent is all about anticipation. We await the arrival of the newborn king, Jesus. Sarah and Abraham must have had the same sense of anticipation as they awaited the birth of their son and the fulfilment of God’s promise that they would be the parents of a great nation. The day their son Isaac was born had to feel like a dream come true. They would do anything to care for, protect, and nurture this gift from God.
Then Genesis 22 happens. God calls Abraham to the top of a mountain to offer Isaac back to him as a sacrifice. This is a troubling passage of the Bible to read. God asking Abraham to sacrifice the most valuable thing in his life, his only son. As Abraham and Isaac dutifully climb the mountain, there had to have been an incredible weight on Abraham’s heart. When Isaac asks his father what they will use for a sacrifice on the mountain, Abraham responds with unwavering faith, “Jehovah-Jireh,” which means, “the Lord will provide.”
As you read the passage, you will discover that Isaac’s life is spared (spoiler alert) and Abraham’s faith in God is rewarded. But Abraham didn’t know the outcome at the onset, he walked in faith and waited for God’s provision to show up.
As we anticipate Christmas, the parallels and contrasts to the story of Jesus are powerful. Like Isaac, Jesus is God’s only son. Like Isaac, Jesus arrived in a miraculous way. But unlike Isaac, Jesus’ sacrifice was not forestalled. There would be no last-minute substitution. Jesus would bear the weight of our sin on the cross. He was, “the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world” (John 1:29). Abraham’s test and Isaac’s rescue are a foreshadowing of Jesus’ test and sacrifice on our behalf. As we anticipate the celebration of Christ’s birth, may we remember his sacrifice and God’s provision for us.
PASSAGE TO READ: Genesis 22:1-19
· Put yourself in Abraham’s shoes: what do you think he was feeling/thinking as he walked up the mountain with Isaac? What do you think Isaac was feeling?
· Why do you think God tested Abraham’s faith the way that he did? What do you think he wanted Abraham to learn?
· What does Abraham’s statement, “Jehovah-Jireh” (the Lord will provide) mean to you when it comes to Christmas? How have you see God’s provision in your life this year?
PRAYER: “Lord, I don’t know how to adequately express my gratitude for your sacrifice for me. I am like Isaac and you became the sacrificial lamb that took my place. Thank you for all the ways I have seen your provision in my life. Help me to share that gift with others around me this Advent season. Amen.”