Peter is my favorite disciple because he is an “all in” personality. Peter doesn’t do nuance. If he feels it, he says it, and he doesn’t hem and haw. Peter is 100% sure he would never betray or deny Jesus and he says so without hesitation. He can’t imagine a scenario where he would deny his savior and Lord. He’s so sure, he promises Jesus it will never happen (Foreshadowing: It did). There have been times in my life where I was sure I would never let God down. I’ll never say anything like that again! Then I do. I’ll never treat someone that way again! Then I treat someone that way again. What follows is guilt and shame. But just as Jesus forgave Peter and restored him, Jesus does that for me. I am glad He is the God of the second chance.
Luke 22:31-38 (Page 633 in our house bibles)
If you were in Peter’s shoes, do you think you would have said the same things he did? Why or why not?
Have you ever felt like you let God down? That you were so sure you wouldn’t blow it but you did? What did you do?
Thank God for his forgiveness, His patience, and His love for you, even when you blow it big time. If there is something you need to confess and repent of, do it and clean the slate with God.