Every once in a while you will see a news story about a wealthy donor giving millions or even billions of dollars to a charity, a university, or some cause. It is hard to compute that some people have that kind of money to give away. But the reality is, for the most part, the people who give those millions usually have millions left. They gave a lot, but they didn’t give it all. Contrast that with people who have very little in the way of financial resources and give generously, even though it leaves them with very little. I have experienced that on the mission field when a family or group of families will go with little to no food for a few days so they can give you a meal when you visit their village. It is incredibly humbling. Jesus made special note of a situation like this when a poor widow gave a couple of pennies. It’s not the size of the gift that matters, it is the heart behind it and the sacrifice.
Luke 21:1-4 (Page 632 in our house bibles)
What’s the most generous gift that you have ever received? How did it make you feel?
When you read this story, what makes the gift of the widow so great?
What do you think it means to be generous? Is it easier for you to be generous with your time or your money?
Ask God to give you the generous heart of the poor widow. If you have struggled with generosity because of fear of not having enough, pray for more faith to give.