In our school district, when our varsity teams win a state championship in sports, cheerleading, or the arts, there is a triumphant entry into town. The team buses assemble in the Wal Mart parking lot and a fire truck, sirens wailing and lights flashing, leads them through town to the school parking lot. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to congratulate those students on their accomplishment. In today’s passage, Jesus makes His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. People are yelling and singing. They are laying their coats on the road the Jesus’ donkey to walk on. They are waving palm branches (that’s why we celebrate Palm Sunday in Easter season). Hopes were high that Jesus was showing up to save the day. And he did. Just not the way they expected Him to. This began Jesus’ final mission in Jerusalem that ended with His death and resurrection.
Luke 19:28-48 (Page 631 in our house bibles)
Put yourself in the crowd as Jesus rode into town. What do you think that felt like?
Why do you think the Pharisees tried to shut down the crowd?
When you read about Jesus clearing the Temple, why do you think He was so fired up about it?
Take time in prayer to worship Jesus as the “King who comes in the name of the Lord.”