ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 67


For centuries, men and women of faith have chose lives of simplicity and asceticism by withdrawing from society as monks or entering monasteries as nuns. The idea is to eliminate all worldly influences and replace them with the whole-hearted pursuit of God. Many of these people have taken a vow of poverty as a part of that pursuit. Is that what Jesus was doing when he told the rich man to sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor? Is that what God expects from all of us? I don’t think so. First, there were many wealthy people that Jesus came in contact with and He didn’t tell all of them to do this. Secondly, the bible doesn’t condemn wealth or wealthy people, it speaks against greed and idolatry. I believe Jesus knew what a grip riches had on this man and that he needed to break that grip to truly follow Jesus. It’s not about what we have, it’s about what has us. An idol is anything that comes between us and God. It’s anything we would choose rather than choosing God’s will. It might be money, but for you it might be something or someone else. Jesus wasn’t calling the man to poverty. He was calling him to follow Him.


Luke 18:15-30 (Page 630 in our house bibles)


  1. What is your definition of an idol?

  2. When you reflect on your life, what thing(s) could become an idol in your life (something that takes priority over God)?

  3. How do you think a Christ follower can guard their heart against idols? What would you suggest?


Ask God to reveal anything or anyone who has become and idol in your life. Pray for wisdom in how to remove that idol and for the courage to do so.