Jesus and His followers ofter came under criticism for not following the traditions and customs of Judaism. Fasting (refraining from eating) and prayer were considered signs of piety and righteousness, so people often did them to be seen by others. But Jesus’ followers didn’t do that. When called on it, Jesus said that there would be a time for fasting, but right now was a time of celebration. Then He gives a couple of illustrations about putting patches of new cloth on old clothes and putting new wine in old wineskins. What Jesus seems to be saying is, “I am doing a new thing and it’s not always going to fit with the old things.” There is nothing wrong with traditions. Many are good and make us feel good (like family traditions at the holidays, etc.) But there are also times when God wants to do something new in our lives and we can’t be so locked in to our traditions that we miss what He has for us.
Luke 5:33-38 (Page 618 in our house bibles)
Have you ever fasted for spiritual reasons? If so, what was your experience like? If not, why have you never tried it?
In your opinion, was Jesus saying that fasting and prayer aren’t that important? What do you think He was trying to say?
How do you think we can hold onto helpful traditions and stay open to something new that God may do?
Ask God to help you to be open, flexible, and willing to experience something new from Him today. Also ask Him for wisdom and discernment to know when to hold onto something from the past and when to let go.