When someone becomes famous, acts heroically, or accomplishes something great, there is often a celebration of for them in their hometown. New York City is famous for its ticker-tape parades as winning teams or war heroes are showered with confetti as they ride down the street. In today’s passage, Jesus returns to His hometown and announces that the Scriptures about the Messiah are going to be fulfilled - by Him. You would think the town would celebrate and give Him a key to the city (what do those even open?) but instead, they ridiculed Him. They could not believe that someone they knew as a kid and who was one of them could be the Messiah. Jesus said, “A prophet is rejected in his own hometown.” Sometimes the people who know us best have a hard time seeing who we are and who we are becoming.
Luke 4:14-28 (Page 617 in our house bibles)
When Jesus reads from the scroll of Isaiah, which description of the Messiah is most hopeful to you?
Why do you think the people in Nazareth had such a hard time accepting Jesus’ words?
Has there ever been a time when you have struggled to believe God because what He said didn’t match your idea of what He should say or do?
Ask God to help you see Jesus for who He really is this summer and to have an open mind to what He wants to teach you as you study the life of Jesus in Luke.