I have a couple of friends who are obsessed with Christmas. One of the ways I know this is that in the middle of the summer, while everyone else is enjoying cookouts, vacations, and fireworks, they are posting on social media that there are, “only _____ days until Christmas!” (By the way, if you are reading this on June 10, it is 198 days...) For some people the excitement of Christmas never goes away. Today’s reading is the Christmas account in Luke 2. It is a story that is very familiar to many of us. It may be so familiar to us that we miss the amazing joy that is revealed in the words of the angel as he spoke to the shepherds, “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.” That good news is still bringing joy to people today. If we are not careful, the good news can become old news to us and our great joy may fade. As you read the story of Jesus’ birth, may you do so with fresh eyes. Put yourself in the story. Imagine being one of those shepherds. Or a resident of Bethlehem. May the joy of Christmas fill your heart in June!
Luke 2:1-20 (Page 614 in our house bibles)
What are your favorite things about Christmas?
When you read about the shepherds’ experience, what are your first thoughts and feelings? (Awe? Fear? Joy? Shock?)
How does Jesus’ birth demonstrate God’s willingness to use anyone anywhere?