ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 33


There is a BIG difference between knowing about something and doing something. Remember, Jesus said the wise builder was the one who heard His words and did what He said, while the foolish only heard. After the disciples spent some time watching and listening to Jesus, He sent them out to do the same thing. He wanted them to practice what He preached. In the church today, all of us have the option. We can just sit back and listen to the Gospel (Good News) or we can go and live out what we have heard. When we start to DO the Word of God and not just LISTEN to the Word of God, it will require faith, just like Jesus told His disciples they would need.


Luke 9:1-9 (Page 622 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think Jesus told His disciples not to take much with them when He sent them out?2

  2. What is an example you can think of where you have gone from a hearer to a doer in your life?

  3. If someone only listens to God’s Word and never lives it out, what do you think the downside of that is?


Ask God to help you to listen to His word and then act on it today.