There are probably not many things more terrifying than being caught in storm out on a boat. I’ve only seen it in movies, and it does not look fun. The helpless feeling of being tossed around by the waves with the fear would be overwhelming. Most of us will never have that experience, but all of us will have to walk through some storms in our lives. In the same way that Jesus spoke to the storm and it stopped, He can speak to the storms we go through. Sometimes Jesus calms the storm. At other times, the circumstances around us don’t change, but Jesus speaks to the storm within us and brings peace. That’s what He did for the demon-possessed man. Storms might surround us, or they might fill us, but Jesus has the authority to calm them.
Luke 8:22-39 (Page 62 in our house bibles)
Have you ever been stuck in a really bad storm (tornado, etc.)? How did you feel?
Has there been a time when God calmed a stormy situation in your life? Did He change the circumstances or did he change you?
If you were one of the disciples in that boat, how would you have felt in the storm? How about after Jesus calmed the storm?
Give your stormy situations to God. Ask Him to give you peace in the middle of your storm and help you to grow through this experience as you trust Him.