All IN Summer Devotional: Day 28


In many parts of the world today, there is a discussion of women’s rights, equal pay for women, and what equality really looks like. Some people feel these issues have been resolved and that equality has been achieved, while others think there is still a long way to go. In Luke’s day, these conversations were not being had. It was a very male dominant culture and women were often treated more as possessions than people. But in Luke 8, the author makes sure to let us know that it wasn’t just a boys club following Jesus. Women were a significant part of Jesus’ ministry. We might look at that list today and not think much of it, but at the time of Luke’s writing, including these women would have been a significant statement that what Jesus was bringing to the world was for all people. Jesus cut across many cultural boundary lines with His message and ministry, and gender was one of them.


Luke 8:1-3 (Page 620 in our house bibles)


  1. How do you think our faith in Christ should affect our treatment of all people?

  2. What are some ways the church can set an example for the culture around us in how men and women treat one another?


Thank Jesus for coming into this world to show that all people are created in the image of God and are equal in His sight. Ask God to help you to see all people that way, no matter their gender, race, social status, or background.