ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 45


Prayer is something that gets talked about a lot in the church even as most of us struggle to actually do it. We say it’s important, but we don’t take time or we don’t know how to pray. I am not a natural-born pray-er. My mind wanders, I’m not always sure what to say, and I often feel I don’t have time. Maybe Jesus’ disciples had some of those same issues. So when they noticed how natural it was for Jesus to pray, they asked Him to teach them how to do it; and Jesus taught them a model of prayer (we call it the Lord’s prayer). He also taught them an attitude of prayer, persistence. One of my favorite prayer tips comes from Pete Greig: “Keep it simple. Keep it real. Keep it up.” We don’t have to impress God with our vocabulary, we just need to be persistent and consistent.


Luke 11:1-13 (Page 624 in our house bibles)


  1. What is your favorite line in the Lord’s prayer? Why is that then one?

  2. What do you think it means to ask, seek, and knock when you pray?

  3. The disciples looked to Jesus as a role model for prayer. Is there someone in your life who you look to as a role model for prayer?


Take time to pray through the Lord’s prayer using it as a model for prayer not just a mantra. Unpack each phrase as you pray it.