Have you ever noticed that you always tend to see what you are looking for? For instance, you might not pay too much attention to the vehicles around you on the road. But as soon as you decide to buy a certain type of car, you suddenly see them everywhere when you’re driving around. If you aren’t hungry, food commercials don’t interest you that much. But when you have the munchies, every fast food burger looks amazing. You see what you are looking for. Jesus wanted His followers to see the harvest that was all around them. The harvest represented people who needed to learn about and follow Jesus. And Jesus said that the harvest was great (large, huge). So, Jesus said, pray for more laborers to reach the harvest. The harvest is still great today, and there is still a need for more laborers. Not just pastors, missionaries, and other “professional” laborers. All of us, laboring together to help people take their next step toward Jesus.
Luke 10:1-20 (Page 623 in our house bibles)
What do you think Jesus was saying to His disciples when he talked about laborers for the harvest?
In your opinion, what does it mean to be a laborer in the harvest?
Is there a specific place God has placed you to be a laborer for Him?
Pray for more laborers for the harvest. Women, men, children, young adults, empty nesters, etc. who will look for opportunities to help others take their next step toward Christ. Ask God to help you be a faithful laborer in His harvest today.