In today’s passage, there is a lot going on. Healing of a demon-possessed boy. Disciples wanting to call down fire from heaven. Jesus again predicting His death. Followers coming and going. In the middle of it all, an argument breaks out among the disciples. What were they arguing about? Who was most important. Luke records this right after Jesus had predicted His death. Maybe they were arguing about who would take over once Jesus was gone (Apparently the hit HBO series, Succession, isn’t so original...) The disciples were thinking like most of the world does. “Someone has got to be number one and it might as well be me.” But Jesus’ had a different model of greatness. He taught His followers that the least would be the greatest, the last would be first, and the way to the top was by serving down.
Luke 9:37-56 (Page 622 in our house bibles)
Why do you think the disciples were so concerned about which of them was the greatest? Why did it matter?
What was Jesus trying to teach them with the example of a little child?
How, in your opinion, can Christians live out Jesus’ “others first” lifestyle? What are some practical ideas for doing that?
Ask God to help you to walk with humility, showing honor to others. Pray for ways to live that out today as you go about your schedule.