ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 36


In the movie, Darkest Hour, there is a scene where Winston Churchill, prime minister of England, decides to take the Tube (subway) during WWII. He’d never done it before and wanted to see what the experience was like. He also wanted to see how the common people in England were faring during the war. As he steps into the car and takes a seat, a few people notice him, but many are unaware. As the train moves through the underground, more and more people become aware that Churchill is sitting just a few feet from them. He had been there for a while, they just hadn’t recognized him.

There are many perspectives on who Jesus is. Some see Him as an influential teacher, a religious leader, or a moral example. But Jesus’ followers saw His true identity, expressed by Peter in today’s passage. C.S. Lewis famously said that we all have to see Jesus in one of three ways: He is a Liar (not who He says He is) or He is a lunatic (someone deluded into thinking He is God), or He is Lord (Who He says He is).


Luke 9:18-20 (Page 622 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think Jesus asked the question, “Who do people say I am?”

  2. What does Peter’s answer reveal about him? Why do you think he had come to that conclusion?

  3. Why do you think so many people deny Jesus’ identity as the Son of God? What could help them to see Jesus differently?


Take time to worship Jesus. Not as just a wise teacher or good person, but as Christ, the son of the living God.