ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 23


The Sermon on the Mount is the longest and most well-known of Jesus’ teachings. It is found in chapters 5-7 of the Gospel of Matthew. When you read it, you will find many familiar sayings of Jesus, maybe even some things you didn’t realize Jesus said. In today’s passage, Luke shares some of the Sermon on the Mount with his readers. While not a word-for-word copy of the Matthew passage, it shares many of the same thoughts. This could be Luke’s notes from the same sermon, or these could be things Jesus repeated more than once. Either way, the important thing, Luke tells us, is to take these words and put them into practice. Jesus shares the parable of the wise and foolish builders here in Luke as He does in Matthew. Basically Jesus is saying that all the wisdom and information in the world won’t help you if you don’t put it into practice.


Luke 6:20-49 (Page 619 in our house bibles)


  1. Which of Jesus’ teachings in this passage jumped out at you the most as you read it?

  2. If you could choose one truth that Jesus taught in this sermon and apply it to your life today, which would it be?

  3. What is the difference between the wise and foolish builder in Jesus’ story? How do you think that plays out in our lives?


Ask God to help you apply and live out Jesus’ teaching and become a doer, not just a hearer, of His Word.