ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 17


Today’s text talk about two people that were healed by Jesus. The first was a man with leprosy, which is a disease that causes your flesh to rot, die, and fall off your body. If you had leprosy, you were required to stay away from people so they wouldn’t touch you and get the disease. When Jesus heals him, He does the opposite. He intentionally reaches out and touches him. Jesus didn’t need to touch him, He could have just done it. But that touch meant a lot to a guy that had not felt human touch for a long time. It shows us the love Jesus had for the man. Then, Jesus heals a man whose friends were determined to get in front of Jesus. Those friends showed a lot of faith. In this passage, we see both great love and great faith.


Luke 5:12-26 (Page 617 in our house bibles)


  1. Do you think there was significance in Jesus touching the man with leprosy to heal him? What do you think that touch did for that man?

  2. When you read about the man lowered through the roof by his friends, what sticks out to you in that story?

  3. How do you think the church can follow in Jesus’ footsteps when it comes to showing love the hurting people around us?


Ask God to show you someone today who is hurting and needs to feel the love of God. Ask for wisdom to know how you can share that love and encouragement with them.