United Devotional: Day 25

The Set-Up:

Pride can be an awful trap, especially when that pride is wrapped up in religion. Pride is when we think we know, act, or are better than those around us. Sadly, it can even take shape in how we express our convictions.

When we judge other Christian brothers and sisters because they do not act in the same manner as us, or share the same convictions or expressions of faith, that is pride. The Corinthian church fell into this trap over and over; from arguing over what leader they followed, what gifts were better, and even over what food they ate! We need to be Christians who are seasoned with grace and humility in our relationships, especially in how we handle our convictions in those relationships. 


1 Corinthians 8:9-13; 1 Corinthians 10:23-33


  1. Are there areas in my life that are ruled by pride instead of my God’s grace?

  2. What convictions do you have that promote unity in the body of Christ?

  3. Are my convictions based on scripture? Or are they based on traditions and preference? 

  4. Where are some areas or opportunities to show grace and humility to another brother or sister? 

Prayer Thoughts:

Ask God to examine your heart for any areas of pride or selfishness. Ask God to reveal any areas or people in the Body that you have hurt or alienated. Pray for God to bless those brothers and sisters, even if you do not agree with them. Ask God to show you new ways of grace and humility. 

This devotional was written by Trevor Seeburger.