United Devotional: Day 23

The Set-Up: 

“I wish...”

“I wish I was like them.”

“I wish I could make this amount of money.”

“I wish God would do this in my life so I could make an impact.”

I just watched a movie in which the main actor had a license to drive pretty much anything and everything. Wow! Lord, if you could make that happen in my life think of what I could do for you. Often times I play the “what if” game and disguise it as dreaming. But what if it wasn’t dreaming? Instead the “what if” games are just running from the exact purpose God created me for in the body of Christ.

Paul writes from a place of experience — not age or maturity, but from life lessons. He is essentially saying, “I wish you could, but that is not a current reality; that is not necessarily your gift to the body of Christ.”

Unity is something we must hold close even in our growth as individuals. Will my growth in this position benefit those around me? Paul says he wishes we could all speak in tongues but understands not everyone will. He also says he wishes we could all prophecy, but, again, he understands not everyone will. In fact, I believe he understands that some will not have either gift.

Paul’s point is that we need to recognize our unique gifts and talents and use them to enhance the kingdom of God and be a contributor of unity in the body of Christ. We were never meant to run this race alone or run in someone else’s lane. God designed a specific lane for each of us and as we all work together, stewarding our specific gifts well, we can accomplish the unimaginable. 

Passage to Read:

1 Corinthians 14:1-25

Reflection Questions:

  1. What are you passionate about, talented in, and gifted at that can be used for the body of Christ?

  2. What is something you could do to enhance the body of Christ using one of your gifts, talents or passions? (Do not let anything hold your answer back — dream big!)

  3. How could others help fan into flame the gift of God in you and help you walk in your destiny?

Prayer Idea:

Take some time to pray and ask the Lord to help you discover your unique gifts and talents.  Then ask Him to give you vision in how to implement them to bring unity to the body of Christ and enhance His kingdom on earth.