United Devotional: Day 10

The Set-Up:

Have there been times when you don’t feel fit for the calling God has placed on your life? You are in good company if you do!

Many other Christians have shared those same feelings of inadequacy, but it’s important that we remember God’s wisdom and ways are far greater than worldly wisdom.  God will choose things that look weak, unworthy, or even foolish in our worldly standards to prove Himself and give Himself all the glory. Thank God for that! He doesn’t look for the most qualified, influential, or wise.  When we do things in our own strength and influence, we rob God of the glory he is due. If you don’t feel qualified, then you are the one for the job!

Passage to Read:

1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5

Reflection Questions:

  1. Have you ever done things in your own power verse what you knew God wanted you to do? How did that go?

  2. In what areas of your life are you working in your own power and influence instead of God’s? How can you change?

  3. Is God calling you to do something that seems foolish in your eyes? How might you grow if you do it?

Prayer Idea:

As you pray, take some time to identify what God may be calling you to do, or places you have been working in only your own power.  Ask God to help you focus on boasting only in the Lord instead of your own name. 

This devotional was written by Andrew Bates.