At Journey Church, we believe the best way to grow in your spiritual journey is to have daily interactions with the Bible. The Young Adults group exists to teach young adults (18-30) how to read and apply Scripture during this transition season of their lives. We also strive to create an environment that encourages accountability within its members, so that they help support one another in the ups and downs of life.

Making the transition from high school or college into the “adulting” world can be a challenge. It’s also a time when relationships are super important but hard to find. Friendships and doing life together are what our young adult group is all about.

We currently meet on Tuesday nights @ 6:30 pm for a weekly young adult Bible study. This study takes place in the Lounge at Journey (4409 121st Street, Urbandale, 50323). Each week we use a video teaching series, book, or just the bible itself to grow and encourage each other.

Each month, we also do a movie, gaming, bowling, or something else fun to hang out and build our friendships. We’re also known to spontaneously go out for lunch on Sundays after our morning service at Journey.

Journey Young Adults is a group for people out of high school - late 20’s/early 30’s

If you would like to talk to someone about our young adults group, please contact Tonya. She can answer your questions and help you get connected.