ALL IN Summer Devotional: Days 89 & 90


As we wrap up our summer in the book of Luke, I want to encourage you to reflect on what you have learned about the life of Jesus and His church this summer. There are so many unlikely heroes in Luke’s gospel, and there are so many instances where Jesus blew people’s expectations out of the water by showing them how much God loved them and how the Gospel, which means “Good News” is for everyone. Jesus is still saying, “All in” to people today. And as the church we get to be a part of sharing that message and opening our lives to people in our community, no matter what neighborhood they live in, their race, their social class, or their history. We echo Luke in saying, “All in!”


Luke 24:35-53 (Page 635 in our house bibles)


  1. Jesus said that His message would be proclaimed to all the nations. What does that tell us about the inclusive message of the Gospel?

  2. What is the biggest thought or idea you have gleaned from Luke this summer?

  3. What has Luke taught you that you can put into practice in your own life moving forward?


Thank God for Luke’s Gospel and for the gift of the Scriptures that help us to know and live out the will of God.